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tehnica Stretch and Fold (intins si impaturit) var. I

M-am gandit ca ar fi utile, mai ales pentru incepatori, niste poze si explicatii suplimentare pentru diferite etape din procesul de facut paine. Incep cu tehnica “intinde- impatura”, pe care o voi numi de acum incolo “S-F”, prescurtat de la stretch and fold. E denumirea dupa care puteti cauta si gasi pe internet, video-uri, poze si explicatii.
Mai demult, credeam ca singurele metode care dau rezultate bune in ceea ce priveste aluaturile dospite sunt: framantatul indelungat, dublarea volumului si dezumflarea acestuia (prin apasare cu mana) o data sau de doua ori pe parcursul dospirii. Probabil ca aceste tehnici dau metode, dar exista procedee mai simple si mai eficiente, care implica un timp de lucru efectiv mai redus. Tehnica de impaturire a aluatului, ca opus al tehnicii framantare- dospire-dezumflare, este mult mai eficienta; impaturirea corecta, la momentul potrivit, poate face diferenta intre o paine mediocra si una exceptionala. Prin aceasta metoda se obtin 3 lucruri: in primul rand, se degazeaza aluatul. Daca dioxidul de carbon generat de drojdie prin procesul de fermentare nu este periodic eliberat, fermentarea va avea de suferit. In al doilea rand, se egalizeaza temperatura din aluat, lucru important mai ales daca in incapere este foarte frig sau foarte cald. Al treilea beneficiu, si cel mai important, este o crestere semnificativa a rezistentei aluatului, ceea ce are un impact enorm in final. Cand aluatul este impaturit, reteaua de gluten este intinsa si apoi aliniata, si instantaneu se simte fortifierea aluatului.
Imaginile de mai jos descriu procedeul mai bine decat cuvintele:
O alta metoda, impaturitul direct in vas, se gaseste aici.

6 replies on “tehnica Stretch and Fold (intins si impaturit) var. I”

Nice new bread site! Your bread pictures are beautiful and the bread looks delicious!

I just wanted to comment that the stretch and fold is usually done in a folding container to avoid the addition of extra flour, which would not only change the hydration, but could (later on in the ferment stage) add grey streaks to the crumb of the bread.

Happy Baking! Teresa

teresa. I know and read your site for a long time, and it has been an important source of informations for me (I tried to download the e-book a couple of weeks ago, with no success). I think there are different methods for the s-f technique, I’ve seen it done in a rectangular container, in a round bowl, or on the floured bench. Personally I’ve done it for more than a year in a rectangular plastic container, after seeing this technique at susan, on wild yeast. It was less messy, indeed, but I couldn’t develop the gluten as it should have (I’m sure that the technique is great, and it was me I couldn’t manage do do it right). I can’t remember when I change my method, but this is the method described by hamelman in his BREAD, and since then my breads improved (though I can’t garantee that it’s related to the subject, or the reason of my improvements has to do with informations and experience I’ve accumulated during last years). I try not to incorporate raw flour in the dough, by brushing it off. Now that you mention it, maybe I should try again the container technique, and observe the differences in the final product.
Please come back and see what i’ve baked lately.

I will indeed come back. Your method with the flour may have seemed an improvement because you were able to incorporate some flour and the hydration was lowered, making the dough easier to handle. If you wish to keep your dough very wet, this would be a problem. My e-book is available online if you do a search for “Discovering Sourdough” or here at:
Thank you for your lovely site,


teresa, your link helped me download the e-book and I plan to study it thorough. I hope that in time I’ll be able to improve my techniques. I love what I do, and how my breads are appreciated, but even if I don’t say it loud, inside me I just know that I can do better, and there are a lot of thinks that I still have to learn. If you’ll have time to stick around and leave comments I’ll be deeply honoured.
thank you, codruta

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